Important Issues


Taxes, Waste, and Inflation 

We are all worse off financially than we were two years ago and most of that was caused by government. The Biden administration ended all of the policies that had brought the cost of energy way down, and increased energy costs causes the price of everything to rise. Minnesotans had a chance for some relief when we had a $17 billion surplus. Rather than giving it back to those who paid it, our Governor used it to redistribute wealth. Even worse, rather than seeing that as an opportunity to decrease taxes, the Democrats increased spending to prevent a future surplus and raised taxes. Their stewardship of tax funds is negligent at best, as demonstrated by the massive fraud in government spending programs. We need to lower taxes, end mandates that drive up costs, and eliminate programs that are outside the traditional role of government.

Law and Order

The number one job of government is the protection of its citizens, yet our state government seems more concerned with noncitizens. Illegal immigrants are not taking white collar jobs. They are taking jobs and lowering wages for the working class. Furthermore, people below the poverty line are the most likely to be crime victims and most in need of police. Yet, Democrats talk about defunding the police and even considered making Minnesota a sanctuary state. Instead of going after criminals, our government goes after law enforcement.

Ignore the Woke

Government is supposed to be about the greatest good for the greatest number. Our government bends to every special interest, even the ones that defy common sense. At one time, female athletes were disqualified if they took testosterone. Now, male athletes take estrogen to compete as women and some find that acceptable. It’s fine if a person decides they want to be something that is not consistent with their anatomy or genetics, but it is not fine when that affects others.


There is a never-ending call to spend more money on education, but it rarely leads to better teacher-student ratios or better results. The best solution is to provide every possible option including home schooling, charter schools, and private schools. With some competition, we might see better results all around. While “No child left behind” is a nice sentiment, it is a bad policy if it means holding back better students. The objective of education should be to maximize every student’s potential.