I am a life-long Minnesotan and a twenty-five-year Bloomington resident. I graduated from the University of Colorado with a major in finance and the University of Minnesota Law School. I have spent forty years primarily in private practice, with a focus on preventing and resolving business disputes. I have never been married and, frankly, that surprises me. I currently reside with my rescue dog, Zorro. Look closely at the picture and you’ll know why he got that name. 

I never envisioned a career in politics. There is an old maxim that some people get into politics to do something, and some people get into politics to be something. My interest is in doing something. Specifically, stopping the madness! Our current state government seems to have very little interest in the desires and well-being of its citizens. Instead, they focus on gimmicks to get re-elected and questionable science to change our previously happy lives. 

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